Aloe Vera Powder for stiffness in Body

Hi Chris,

I have suffered from stiffness in the mornings for years and was a struggle to sit on floor and get up. I thought it was just old age (60). I would just like to let you know I have been taking your Aloe Vera (made from the powder) twice daily now for a few months and have no more stiffness and can sit on the floor and get up with ease. I have always used home grown aloe care for sunburn and never realized the plant had so many nutrients for internal use. I have tried both your liquid and dried and I prefer the dried. I am wary of many products on the market and I have trust in yours. Thank you so much. I am so happy to have discovered your product.



Australian Aloe Exports
PO Box 388
Varsity Lakes
Queensland 4227 Australia
ABN: 31 953 189 987


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